Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Kendra- Jharkhand - launches website

Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Kendra- Jharkhand, formed under the guidance of Their Holiness, has Vidhya-Vaidhya-Veda as its prime vision.The beneficiaries of the Seva Kendra are people who are less privileged and less facilitated even to the basic needs. The primary functions of the Kendra are to:

  • impart primary education to the children of the neighboring villages
  • provide primary health care facilities
  • inculcate cultural values to follow the path of dharma

    The Samiti has a website to showcase its aims and activities and with information on forthcoming events and activities.

Kamakoti Seva Jharkhand Logo
The Samiti's logo


Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Vidya Peet was started in the premises 8 months back with a strength of about 80 students from the surrounding villages conducts classes from 7.00am to 9.00am. At present it has a strength of 275 students. During the medical camp conducted in December 2008, 144 students received Uniforms with the name Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Vidya Peet printed on the shirt. In addition 225 students also received pencils and slates, free of cost.

Sri Sankara Arogya Bhavan conducts medical camps. Free medicines and spectacles are distributed in such camps.

For further details and latest news from the Seva kendra, visit The website has a comprehensive photo gallery and a photo archives section providing a quick glimpse of all the dharmic activities being undertaken by the kendra.

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